What do Lemons, Starbucks and the Internet have in common?

Let’s take a trip back to Redmond, Washington circa 1996 where the inspiration for Lemons first came from. It was a great time to be alive: the birthplace of Starbucks, the mecca of Microsoft and AOL CDs were being delivered to every home providing us with the Internet for the first time. It sounds like ancient times, but technically I’m a millennial so stick with me!

Even though I didn’t have a smartphone in junior high, I did spend A LOT of time on AOL messenger, Hotmail and the foam phone in my bedroom. For historical reference:

foam phone

(Source: Etsy store)

We also entertained ourselves with gossip, crush talk and school…and spent a lot of time playing Lemons, of course.

Other popular games that used our vivid imaginations included things like MASH and weird storytelling mind games like Light as a Feather, Thick as a Board.

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These story games included one where you visualize adopting a possessed stray cat and then check for cat scratches on your back after it attacks you. Trust me, it works. Another: you are riding your bike when you fall off a cliff and after an emergency “surgery” you need to try to stand up.


We definitely got creative!

What did you do in junior high? Did you play the Lemons game?