Details, Details, Details

We’re back after a busy summer and still working on launching the Lemons App. The Lemons App is now in TestFlight so I can download it on my phone and test it like a real working app.

Now is the time to sign up for the Lemons App Beta if you want to try it before the official launch!

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As I finalize the last round of edits I’m also refreshing my memory on how to actually set up the app store page. Stay tuned for that.

Terms and Conditions for Apps

To fulfill the Apple Store requirements, I had to put together Terms and Conditions. Luckily this is what Google is for. Also, since it’s a requirement for all apps, any other similar app site has Terms and Conditions up as well. The question now becomes: which Terms and Conditions do I use for inspiration?

Since I was just talking about Peach and looking at their website, I started with their terms and conditions. They have multiple conditions pages actually…and a nice presentation.

peach terms

I also looked at Snapchat’s terms and conditions but theirs seems overly specific…they’ve obviously been doing this for a while and I think they even hired a copywriter to keep this on brand—that is dedication (and would be really obvious if I copied it…need something more boilerplate style).
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So I Googled. And there’s actually lots of templates. I used this one from Appypie….it was nice and generic and easy to add the app name to.

I put it in a lightbox on the main splash page…I didn’t think a whole new page made sense since the website is really just a splash page + blog. But I might switch this over later, like in case someone needs a link specifically to the terms.

Over time, maybe I’ll add my own copy writing to it to? Then again, who reads these things?

The App Store: Why So Hard?

Lemons is in beta testing! We are working out the kinks and now I need to set up an Apple developer account so I can test directly on my iPhone from this platform and get prepared for the official Apple App Store review process. This should be a breeze!

Problem #1: DUNS number

Before I even started the Apple developer account registration process, I got stuck on the first page. The checklist mentioned a DUNS number- which I do not currently have. So, I researched how to get a DUNS number from Canada, filled out the form on the DUNS & Bradstreet website and now I’m waiting. BUT, I checked the Apple developer site again today and apparently the DUNS application can go directly through Apple as part of the developer sign up process. So I think I’ve lost over a week on this already. And I’m not sure if I should reapply for DUNS through the Apple developer site or just wait…but the wait time seems to be weeks. And I didn’t even get a confirmation email from D&B.

What to do? I guess I will just reapply for a DUNS number via the Apple developer site tomorrow. Can’t hurt to have multiple attacks on this?

Problem #2: Company Name

Next, there is the question of what company name to list the Lemons App under. I don’t want it listed under my personal name (which is an option), so I need to list it with a company name. I can easily use my consulting company name–but it’s not a name I would choose to go with the app from a marketing perspective. Also, is the Lemons App on brand for my serious enterprise marketing software consulting services?

The easy solution for this would be to register an official Doing Business As (DBA) name, right? So, I spent $30 to register Squeeze App Corp. (which is on theme with Lemons). BUT apparently Apple doesn’t like DBAs.  There is potentially a loophole where you can choose to use a Company name that is an official DBA as long as your Seller name is the official legal name. But, if you have 2 names listed on your app profile in the store–isn’t that confusing? If the DBA is registered legally, why can’t it be the seller name?

Another very simple solution to this problem would be to register temporary names for the account set up and testing process and work out the official names by launch time. BUT no! Apple is one step ahead: once you choose the company name, it’s permanent.
It also increases energy levels and cialis tablets india endurance to last longer in bed and offer her intense sexual pleasure. Their charges are reasonable; while you will get complete freedom viagra pills canada from the concerned trouble. Prolonged result without inducing any side effect is the only role pop over to these guys order cheap levitra of this anti-impotence pill. Creditable, established online pharmacies such as ours – and you have the right to contact the company when online levitra canada they need to ask questions or when making an order.
A more complicated option is to start a new company with the legal and company name that I want. Clean and simple. EXCEPT that is a huge pain. And, since this is a free app right now it doesn’t make sense to pay to incorporate another company, then deal with all the reporting, accounting, and filing of documents.

What to do? I’m leaning towards using my consulting company name as both Company name and Legal name OR registering a new DBA name that is closer to the legal company name so it’s not as confusing as having 2 unrelated names on the app profile.

Current situation

Confused and feeling stressed about this holding me back time wise. I just want to launch my app 🙁

Something tells me there is more of this to come…

What would you do?

Women and App Development

I was doing some research on apps for women and apps by women.

Did you know that only approximately 6% of app developers are women? I find this really strange…the reason why I decided to launch the Lemons App was because it seemed like everyone else had an app already. But apparently that is not the case for women. Here is a breakdown of a typical app developer:


What are the 6% of women app developers doing? A recent article from Bustle about 5 Apps Designed by Women For Women mentions:

  • Bumble, a dating app where women are the ones who get in touch with the guys (anecdotal evidence it works: I have a friend who met the guy she is dating on this app)
  • HER, a “lesbian social app”
  • Spitfire Athlete, to help women find and track athletic training programs (Note: there’s also Pro Day for following the workouts of celebrity athletes and tracking your own, also developed by a woman.)
  • Tampon Run, a shooter-style game for girls where the bullets are actually tampons
  • Gratitude, a journaling app to keep track of what you are grateful for each day

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Another female-produced app in the news right now is:

  • Hey! VINA, a friendship finder for women that functions kind of like a dating app…but just to meet people to hang out with.

I also mentioned the Lulu app in my last post: a dating app that was originally created as a way to rate men you’ve dated (and see others’ ratings/warnings by pulling in their Facebook profiles).

These female-created apps are interesting because the founders identified specific problems they have that men (for instance) might not be aware of. Did you know that it’s hard for lesbians to meet romantic interests their friends haven’t already met? Kind of like my surprise that Lemons didn’t exist as an app yet in that there are obvious things still left to build despite approximately 1.5 million apps in the App Store.

Without more female app developers, current app developers may not understand the challenges young women want to solve with an app. For research purposes, I searched for apps for “teen girls” on the App Store and this is a sample of what comes up:


Who makes these? I’m guessing it’s not the minor percentage of actual female developers. Most of these seem targeted at kids…I guess aspiring to be teens.

In conclusion: there is so much untapped potential based on the unique viewpoint of women and the challenges they want solved. The next generation of female developers has so much opportunity. Low hanging fruit? 😉

Launch and learn and Lulu

While putting Lemons together I’ve learned a lot and even though the app is for fun instead of saving the world, these new skills are seriously useful.

This is an important point: why not make it fun to acquire the skills to be competitive? You don’t need to build an accounting app or boring clock to learn code. Just build something! Whatever motivates you to get started and learn it is a good thing.

When I feel like I should do something more “serious” than Lemons I think of Yo. That’s literally all it does…it sends your friends a message that says “Yo.” It has a lot of downloads. This quote from one of the founders of Yo featured in the Venture Beat article “Six unbelievable quotes about Yo, the stupid app that raised $1.2M” resonates:

At first, Hogeg was too embarrassed to publish it under his own name. “At Mobli, we make serious technology,” he says. “I didn’t let him publish it under our names.”

Luckily that didn’t hold them back from launching! Yo got over a million downloads in 4 days.

You’re not the only one thinking it

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I’m not the only one that had this type of idea though. While I was researching female-created apps I came across one called Lulu. When it originally launched it was a way to pull in the guys from your Facebook account and rate them based on your experiences with them. Categories included: manners, appearances, spending habits, and career ambitions. Sound familiar?

I should note there was quite a bit of backlash about this app and a lot of people thought it was mean/anti-feminist. Like the theme of this post, at least the founder (Alexandra Chong) got the experience she needed to pivot into what the app is today: a part of the largest dating company in the world, Badoo (she is President). Also, I Googled her and she is known as one of the “top entrepreneurs in New York” (source: Wikipedia). Also this.

Basically if you have your own Ulti-mate-type idea…just launch it now! Let the haters hate and maybe Richard Branson and Princess Eugenie will come to your wedding.

Texting vs. Images

I’m available for texting anytime but take photos only when I get it put together. We’ve seen how much work Instagrammers put in to curating their lives and there really is an ideal time slot for photos: the natural light right around twilight (at this time of year it’s around 5pm). The best time to take photos really is affected by the Earth’s orbit. FYI this is a great app idea! Or use of a window…

Let’s just say Netflix (and actual chill) does not go well with photographic evidence. Maybe this is why shoefies and flat laying caught on with fashion bloggers. Also why I think text messages will always win when it comes to frequency. Way less effort required! Basically the Lemons App is a great way to entertain yourself when you don’t want to deal with photos. #marketingthoughtleader

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Let’s talk about app design

Here is the general look of the Lemons app.

TRA0_7_home3 TRA1-1_7_girls

I think it’s cute! Do you?

The inspiration was from a pineapple phone case. Here is an example of the inspiration (although I can’t find the exact image I stumbled across, this one from Minnie & Emma is close).


Obviously I used a lemon instead of a pineapple, because that’s how the game is played: you have to name 5 ways to eat a lemon.

Am I a designer? It’s not a label I would give myself. I taught myself the basics of Photoshop in high school when I created fake wedding photos for me and Ben Affleck. I refined these skills with design work I did for a start up out of pure necessity—we were bootstrapped and someone needed to do it.

Through trial and error and some YouTube videos, design applications are not the hardest thing to figure out. For web design, you can get pretty far with some templates from Themeforest and basic shapes, shadow effects and fonts. Little did I know, for apps you don’t even really need Photoshop files, since it all just gets coded directly (of course the extras like icons and backgrounds are still needed so thank you to Font Awesome and iStock for that). But I guess it was nice to have the general direction laid out in advance; it ensured the app was all planned before coding happened.

Here’s a big question I have: if it’s not necessarily pretty at first, shipping something is still better than not…right?
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I actually did a bit of research of what the original Snapchat looked like. Here it is (from TechCrunch’s History of Snapchat which is super fascinating).


Definitely not as sleek as it is today. I mean it didn’t look bad…it worked…did anyone notice the design or care? Maybe the standards have gotten stricter now that there’s so much in the App Store? Also, maybe people are more forgiving of utilitarian apps vs. apps that are just supposed to be fun.

Maybe all these questions are what hold people from just launching to begin with. Maybe girls have more anxiety about how pretty the design should be than guys do? Higher standards? Or maybe it’s a universal dilemma. And I’ll be honest, I’ve seen a few less than attractive apps on there as well and just wondered: why bother? (That being said, they still somehow got past the App Store requirement of a nice looking interface.)


I mean to launch is better than not to launch…right? The pressure is building.

If you want to see what the Lemons App is like before the launch, sign up for the beta group here.

App pre-marketing is making me nervous

Today I’m researching pre-launch marketing for apps and putting together a list of press contacts. Apparently it’s a great idea to do a giant PR blast just prior to launch so that tech reporters aren’t blindsided by the viral success of your app. I don’t think my audience necessarily reads Mashable and TechCrunch but influencers definitely do. For an example of a recent app launch, I did some research on Peach  and discovered that Teen Vogue signed up and tweeted their Peach account the very first day. Actually this is the 4th tweet on the Peach timeline:


I know that the creator of Peach also developed Vine so that obviously helped get attention right away. It’s still an interesting case study in terms of launch mechanics though, especially since he does know what he is doing and it’s possible to back track what happened just last month–news and social feeds are still fresh.

Beyond the standard tech PR outlets, there are also a ton of niche tech blogs and girl-focused publications that might be interested in the process behind launching an app and showing that it can be done with just an idea, some work and minimal upfront investment. So I am including these contacts on my list as well.

On this note, I read a few articles about how an initial press blast (or even an appearance on Shark Tank) at best results in a slight increase in downloads but will not sustain the success of the app. Ultimately, success will be decided by whether or not the actual target audience wants to use the app…and whether or not they keep using it beyond initial curiosity. It’s scary to think the entire success of the app could be determined in just a matter of weeks. It’s sink or swim and apparently once you sink there is no floating back up to the top of the App Store charts. I even read an article that talked about how a million initial downloads is nothing. I would definitely put that on my LinkedIn profile.

I do agree with the assessment that press is nice (especially for the ego and to feel like it might be working out) but really…people don’t keep using an app and telling their friends about just because they read an article.
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What will I do…

I will take a 2-pronged approach to pre-marketing.

1) I will start a social media pre-launch to get people interested in the beta. I’m really nervous no one will follow me back on Twitter. The good news is I can always pay for this if it starts to get embarrassing.

2) Once all the kinks are worked out and I’m going to launch it for real, I will set an official date, make an announcement…and see what happens with a relentless media blast of emails and tweets. I definitely think that having an exclusive aspect to the initial marketing might help- I am targeting teens and it’s not really a game you want to tell your parents about.

On a side note: is this the sort of thing that would be a good fit to promote at something like TechCrunch/Start Up Alley/Collision? Or totally the wrong idea here? I’ve seen other messaging apps showcased at these. Lemons would be…refreshing!

Oh, and since we’re on the topic: follow Lemons on Twitter @thelemonsapp.

The Lemons Game: How to play

We previously mentioned how we used to be a big fan of the of the Lemons game when we were in junior high. Of course, this was long before the Lemons App existed.

Let’s talk about the original Lemons game. Here’s how it worked before the Lemons App…

  1. Write a story leaving some blank spots for girls names, guys names, body parts and ways to eat a lemon. Add a number (between 1 and 5) next to each item so you will know which ones to insert from your lists.


  2. Ask your friend to name 5 girls, 5 guys, 5 body parts and 5 ways to eat a lemon.
  3. Then ask the same friend to order 1-5 four times, placing each set of numbers next to one of the lists.
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  4. In your story, fill in the blanks! Insert the names that match up with the numbers in your story. Voila!

The Investment

Poppy was a high-powered angel investor. While she was a savvy business woman in her own right, most of her fortune came from a settlement she received when she burned her lip with a malfunctioning ceramic hair straightener. But that was her little secret. She was preparing for a meeting with Max, an entrepreneur looking for money to launch his connected neck groomer called the Luckily, Poppy was an expert on the Internet of Things and had even published an ebook that was retweeted by TechCrunch. As she looked through Max’s deck, she wondered how much she would offer him. Just then, Max walked in. She could tell he had just used the She blushed. If he agreed to cap the convertible note, he just closed a deal.

You can see how this might be a bit easier with some automation. Just wait until you see how the Lemons App solves this! Also: you can sign up for our Beta testing group if you want to try it out first 🙂

What do Lemons, Starbucks and the Internet have in common?

Let’s take a trip back to Redmond, Washington circa 1996 where the inspiration for Lemons first came from. It was a great time to be alive: the birthplace of Starbucks, the mecca of Microsoft and AOL CDs were being delivered to every home providing us with the Internet for the first time. It sounds like ancient times, but technically I’m a millennial so stick with me!

Even though I didn’t have a smartphone in junior high, I did spend A LOT of time on AOL messenger, Hotmail and the foam phone in my bedroom. For historical reference:

foam phone

(Source: Etsy store)

We also entertained ourselves with gossip, crush talk and school…and spent a lot of time playing Lemons, of course.

Other popular games that used our vivid imaginations included things like MASH and weird storytelling mind games like Light as a Feather, Thick as a Board.

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These story games included one where you visualize adopting a possessed stray cat and then check for cat scratches on your back after it attacks you. Trust me, it works. Another: you are riding your bike when you fall off a cliff and after an emergency “surgery” you need to try to stand up.


We definitely got creative!

What did you do in junior high? Did you play the Lemons game?